
Getting Back into the Swing of Things

February 9, 2012

Hello Readers! As we fast approach the transition period between winter and summer we start to notice a stretch in the evenings. The longer days usually mean warmer weather but so far this is not the case! It is forecasted that we will feel the effect of the huge cold…

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Preparing for Winter Golf

September 19, 2011

Well it’s that time of year again when the evenings are getting shorter and the last strands of summer begin to disappear with that Autumnal chill taking prominence. Autumn gradually leads us into the winter months and often a lot of amateur golfers tend to hibernate their clubs. Depending on…

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Fota Island Resorts golf pro Kevin Morris offers playing tips

April 12, 2010

It’s always a good time to set up a fitness and stretching programme that is golf specific.

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