
Culinary and musical delights at Fota Island

February 25, 2014

The Spike Bar in the Clubhouse has established its own niche for its family lunches in Cork with its appetising menu and most notably light snacks and the tasty deserts such as the Ice Cream Sundae which follow. As a reward we are offering our guests a complimentary tea or coffee with every main course ordered in the Spike Bar this week (24th -28th February).

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Simply Pastry Wowed….

March 22, 2011

Fota Island Resort is very excited to introduce ‘Simply Pastry Wowed’, a series of scrumptious cookery demonstrations by Executive Pastry Chef Rachid Zaouia, that is sure to bring out the hidden chef in you & leave your taste buds tingling for more. Taking time out of the busy kitchen in our Fota…

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